My 8 in 2013

January 7, 2013 § Leave a comment

Stephanie has a great idea, here.

My goals for this year are:

  1. To run at least one official 5K. (I don’t know if I can commit to 8 without having done one first.)
  2. Make a quilt for a someone secret (the fabric has been purchased!)
  3. Knit ThroughtheLoops’ 2013 Mystery Sock (Ravelry)
  4. Knit-a-long with my ZPDK: Azzu’s Shawl (Ravelry)
  5. Get a great photo of  the two of us for this year.
  6. Sew a new dress.
  7. Begin to reduce the amount of “stuff” I own. As much I am attached to many of my things, I think much of it is weighing me down.
  8. Run 100 miles in 2013.


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